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来源:合成纤维 【在线投稿】 栏目:综合新闻 时间:2020-11-06
摘要:: Kenneth Keegstra Abstract 背景回顾 : Xyloglucan ( XyG )is an abundant component of the primary cell walls of most plants. 提出问题 :While the structure of XyG has been well studied, much rem
:Kenneth Keegstra


背景回顾:Xyloglucan(XyG)is an abundant component of the primary cell walls of most plants.

提出问题:While the structure of XyG has been well studied, much remains to be learned about itsbiosynthesis.

主要研究:Here we employed reverse genetics to investigate the role ofArabidopsiscellulose synthase like-C(CSLC)proteins inXyG biosynthesis.

结果-单突:We found that single mutants containingaT-DNA in each of the fiveArabidopsis CSLCgenes hadnormal levels of XyG.

结果-多突:However, higher-ordercslcmutants had significantly reduced XyG levels, andamutant with disruptions in all fiveCSLCgenes had no detectable XyG.The higher-order mutants grew with mild tissue-specific phenotypes. Despite the apparent lack of XyG, thecslcquintuple mutant did not display significant alteration of gene expression at the whole-genome level, excluding transcriptional compensation. The quintuple mutant could be complemented by each of the fiveCSLCgenes, supporting the conclusion that each of them encodes a XyG glucan synthase.

结果-进化:Phylogenetic analyses indicated that theCSLCgenes are widespread in the plant kingdom and evolved from an ancient family.

结论:These results establish the role of theCSLCgenes in XyG biosynthesis, and the mutants described here provide valuable tools with which to study both the molecular details of XyG biosynthesis and the role of XyG in plant cell wall structure and function.

摘 要


文章来源:《合成纤维》 网址: http://www.hcqwzz.cn/zonghexinwen/2020/1106/339.html


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